Bouquet of Beautiful pastel roses with light and airy foliage and filler in a hand tied bouquet gift wrapped in complimenting paper and a beautiful bow, delivered with a water bag for freshness. choice of 10 or 18 stems .
Bouquet of Pastel Roses
Bouquet of Pastel Roses
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Bouquet of Beautiful pastel roses with light and airy foliage and filler in a hand tied bouquet gift wrapped in complimenting paper and a beautiful bow, delivered with a water bag for freshness. choice of 10 or 18 stems .
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Bouquet of Pastel Roses
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Bouquet of Pastel Roses

Bouquet of Pastel Roses

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Freshly made and designed Bouquets 

Fresh pastel Roses and foliage ,beautifully wrapped with premium quality wrapping and complimenting ribbon delivered with a water bag for freshness 

Substitution Policy

All products are subject to availability. We reserve the right to substitute some of the contents or packaging with an item of equal or greater value. The substituted items will closely match the original choice. Should we feel that the order cannot be processed due to lack of stock we will contact you as soon as possible to arrange an alternative.